About Us

Zestrol is a one-stop solution for all electronics components manufacturers suppliersand individual creators,acting as importers,exporters and stokist of electronic components.

We offer our customers a wide range of facilities such as parts supply, electronic manufacturing services, and parts import. We have a huge inventory of passive and active components. At zestrol.com you can purchase a wide range of electronic components including: B. Microcontrollers, development boards, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, sensors, displays, analog and digital ICs, power modules, wireless modules, transistors, diodes, MOSFETs, IGBTs, resistors, capacitors, batteries, motors, breadboards, accessories, etc.

Our mission is to help students and creators learn and enjoy electronics. If you have any questions about our products or services, please feel free to contact us. Let’s learn, experiment, and give it a go together! When you buy online from Zestrol, you save time and effort spent searching for the right store. There is also no need to wait for your products to arrive at your local store as we deliver all our products directly to your doorstep, no matter where you live in India. Zestrol is the most trusted place to shop in this new era.

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